The mindset shift you need to feel confident negotiating Mindset, Freelance moneyMartha Lawton19 April 2021freelance, freelance life, freelancing, freelancers, negotiation, negotiating, get paid, charge what you're worth, day rate, self-employedComment
When is a budgeting issue not a budgeting issue? (A blog post for freelancers) Budgeting, Freelance moneyMartha Lawton22 March 2021budgeting, budget, freelance life, freelancers, lumpy incomes, making it work, feast and famine, cashflow, get unstuck, pattern spotting, know yourself, freelance, freelancingComment
Women's money and the echoes of history Martha elsewhere, Women and moneyMartha Lawton8 March 2021international women's day, IWD2021, money and shame, women and money, women's history, cultural baggage, creatives, freelancers, freelance life, artists lifeComment